Saturday, February 26

slumber partaaayyy

This is what happens when 10 year old girls have sleepovers and their nanny is in charge. We paint nails, eat ice cream, watch movies... and make fake boobies out of balloons! Good times!

Friday, February 25

T-Shirt Design

Today, the kids and I designed T-Shirts! What a fun project! This is my little doodle :)

Tuesday, February 22

all the cool kids wear sunglasses






Just keep skating, just keep skating, just keep skating. We like to go ice skating. Even in 11 degree weather. In the darkness of Alaska. So much fun! I could go ice skating probably everyday from now on with these cute girls! They crack me up. Also, I think I need to invest in some sunglasses like the ones Lollie has on. I just don't think I could pull them off quite like she does! Man that girl loves to pose. Loves to everyone! And hoping that you are living in warmer weather than I!

Sunday, February 20

the moose's tooth

These pictures just don't quite do it justice... but I found this AWESOME pizza place/bar called The Moose's Tooth. I have been there probably four times already! I just bring my journal or book or whatever and sit at the bar and get a personal size cheese pizza and a Diet Coke on the rocks with tons of refills. I find it hilarious when some random guy asks if he can buy me a beer and I tell him that I don't drink. That makes for some awkward laughter. Which of course is hilarious.. because I love awkward moments. Weird I know.

Saturday, February 19

blizzards create snow which equals fun


Wednesday, February 16

mmm toasty!


Jonathan and I pulled out a bag of marshmallows and roasted them over the stovetop burners for a little pre dinner snack! And I, being such the great cook that I am, made sweet potato fries for dinner! You can just call me Chef Sydney. Mmm mmm good!

Tuesday, February 15

stringed silly!

Today I was standing by the sink minding my business doing the dishes, and all of a sudden i got stringed. Silly Stringed that is. By Jonathan. And boy I was not about to pass up that fight. We got it all over the house! I didn't know that silly string was so hard to clean up! And I think I have a kink in my neck from bending over the vacuum so much! Geez what a fun day!

Saturday, February 5

ice ice babyyyy!


Today a friend took me downtown to see some of the ice sculptures. They were amazing!!! I cant even believe that people can do that kind of thing! Then we went down to Cook Inlet, which apparently is like a bay, who knew?? and climbed all over the rocks in my non-tractioned cutesy boots. Needless to say he helped me and gave me a piggy back ride the whole way up to the top. Not an easy feat, I was impressed. Thank goodness for the weekends!

Thursday, February 3

Cake Boss!

Jonathan had a school project where we had to do a project about Pearl Harbor. So Jonathan decided he wanted to make a cake. Because we are such cake bosses around these parts! But if you can't tell.. there are explosions and ships sinking and airplanes flying through clouds
and american flags and all that jazz! I think it turned out pretty great if I may say so myself. Happy Thursday! P.S. dont you love that face? I know I do. Ha!

Wednesday, February 2

Snow Day

Did you know that they never have snowdays in Alaska!? I mean not never... but practically never! So we had to make our own day in the snow complete with snow angels and sledding and all. But then we got cold and had to go inside soon after. Hope you all are getting as much snow as I am! Cause I am loving it... surprisingly. Loves!

Tuesday, February 1

Hello February

February is my favoritest month of all the months. It just seems so happy. And also it contains one of my very favorite holidays. Valentines duh! Oh and Happy Heart Day which is TODAY!!!
Dearest Zack, Happy Heart Day!! 10 years since your surgery yay!! I cant even believe that it has been that long you crazy! Love you so very much brother!! PS. If you cant tell what I am holding it is a broken heart with a bandaid stuck to it, credit to Lollie.